Split-Billing Software Built By Hospitals, For Hospitals

June 8, 2022

For over two years,  Nuvem conducted an intensive research group with leading hospitals who possessed years of experience working with split-billing software solutions and the 340B Program. By identifying and recruiting the right participants, as well as asking the right questions, we ensured the learned information would be valued and implemented in the development process.

We noticed consistent gaps in other split-billing solutions that hindered ease of use, data accuracy, efficiency, and many other important factors that made for a complicated user experience. That’s why Nuvem worked directly with hospitals to create, a product that alleviates common issues. By combining our intuitive drug inventory system and split-billing solution, we ensure that administering the 340B Program in a hospital setting remains compliant, is uncomplicated and furnishes improved program management.

Ease of Access to Accurate Data

Many providers were facing lack of access to accurate data, so we focused on putting together a dashboard and monitoring tools that give customers real-time access to financial and operational data. This allows stakeholders to understand performance through analyzing information sorted by facility, service area and dates, therefore performing better in the future with insightful information at their fingertips.

Better Reporting Tools

We provide a simple, singular-login software for hospitals to access all the information they need in one place. This full site of split-billing reports lets clients view the entire program including finances, inventory, and audit and compliance. The reporting solution contains a variety of accessible reports all in one place, letting you gather information quickly depending on your needs.

Visibility to WAC and GPO

Many stakeholders expressed that Covered Entities could not view their charges wholistically. Our self-service tools allow users to look at entire charge history in one easy view, with the ability to manage 340B, WAC and GPO accumulators and view all purchases. With this visibility into all accumulators, you can make better-informed purchase decisions and maximize revenue.

With misapplied charges as a common issue, we understood that additional visibility into all charges allows users to make changes to the accumulations in real time. Dynamic reporting can be filtered based on dates, drugs and facilities, and critical access hospitals can manage the waiver process for Orphan Drug charges.

Improved Crosswalk Build and Automation

Many hospitals have been hesitant to get into split-billing because of crosswalks, since creating and maintaining them with previous providers was a headache. We took the heartbeat of the program and made it maintainable, automated and accurate. Our system-generated crosswalk is created from available data and has system-identified alternative mappings using FIFO logic, purchase history, charges and ADT data. Users can make real-time changes to the crosswalk and will receive notification of any unmapped charges.

Order Directly from Manufacturers

Our split-billing solution supports the use of multiple wholesalers, generating orders based on replenishment needs. We wanted to make sure hospitals can streamline their current process with our system, allowing the ordering system to generate orders for all account types and letting users make an order at any time or continue as-is with their wholesaler. Increased savings is our goal, so users can track all invoices and place orders however they need.

Easy Implementation Process

When we spoke with focus group members, some had been trying to implement a split-billing solution for a grueling 18 months. Our team works together with yours to complete a 90-day implementation timeline. We provide access and visibility to track tasks through the duration of implementation and offer standing monthly program reviews with dedicated implementation managers.

How Can We Help?

Let's start a conversation about a solution to fit your pharmacy program's needs.



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