HRSA Mock Audits

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) oversees all 340B programs. Internal audits are required for contract pharmacy programs, and independent audits are recommended for ongoing compliance. Nuvem removes any uncertainty around actual HRSA audits with independent mock audits that evaluate contract pharmacy utilization, compliance, oversight, and written agreements.

Audit claims capture, eligibility understanding, and business practices

Maintain accurate records in the OPA Information System (OPAIS) database

Review self-audit practices and save related reports

Access a thorough final assessment with personalized recommendations

Program Compliance

Leverage Nuvem to review all policies and procedures from top to bottom: 340B eligibility determination, Pharmacy Service Agreements (PSAs), procurement documentation, OPAIS database accuracy, and diversion and duplicate discounts.

Claim Integrity

Secure the integrity of your 340B program by auditing claim sample size as advised by HRSA, reviewing the Contract Pharmacy Dispensation Report, verifying patient and provider eligibility in claim samples, adhering to state Medicaid requirements, and examining specific cases involving high-cost drugs.

Final Assessment

In a final audit report, we’ll highlight findings and areas for improvement so you can address compliance issues efficiently and effectively. We document action items and remediation assistance according to specific claims, which drives our recommended actions to enhance your 340B program.

Think Big. Move Forward.

Don’t Take Our Word for It… Take Theirs.

Nuvem delivers one comprehensive solution and streamlined experience for the industry’s best client and compliance support.

“Since the pandemic began, with the partnership of Nuvem, both our in-house pharmacy and contract pharmacies have grown to be 60% of total revenues. If not for this stable revenue base, we would have had to furlough staff and/or significantly reduce office hours.”

Chief Financial Officer

Community Health Center

“Your entire team has a wealth of experience matched with a caring heart and a fierce determination which has enabled you to accomplish so much and I thank you for sharing that well earned insight.”

Executive Director, Health Center

Brooklyn, NY