Issues in 340B: How Do I Find Solutions?

September 21, 2022

There are issues and repeated problems within every industry, and 340B isn’t an exception. Within the 340B industry, pain-points like implementation time, lack of communication, and issues with expansions and contraction collaborations take away valuable time for your Covered Entity. These are common issues within our industry, but Nuvem offers the solutions to these repeated problems.

Implementation time

Why is implementation time important? The sooner your organization can start utilizing solutions and services, the better you can start serving the communities you care for. Your implementation process should not drag on at the expense of your organization and customers.

“From the beginning of our relationship, in April of 2020, she orchestrated an implementation targeted for completion in 30 days, and what impressed us was how she made that happen, with revenues coming in as she said they would. Our previous TPA just couldn’t make that happen.”

At Nuvem, our employees go through implementation training  to ensure they understand how to effectively get clients up-and-running with new solutions. We constantly work to improve program management and ensure the process is uncomplicated by noticing consistent gaps in other solutions and working directly with organizations to build solutions that alleviate common issues.

Lack of Communication

For covered entities to know they’re meeting compliance regulations, dedicated support and oversight is necessary. You deserve peace of mind knowing your 340B program is running effectively while receiving continued feedback from experts. Our customer service is unmatched, supporting clients with access to dedicated account managers, regular program reviews, 24/7 support ticketing system and implementation training. Dedicated account managers hold regular standing meetings with clients to receive status updates and offer any extra support needed.

When speaking of another pharmacy partner, our client expressed that they did not “maintain a constant relationship of dealing with issues with us like [Nuvem’s Account Manager] does. Our monthly meetings have kept us informed of progress with reporting that exceeds our expectations, which has impressed the executive team. Their diligence has made the difference in those meetings being meaningful, and their ability to explain things in a manner we understand makes the difference. Beyond meetings, their frequent phone contact with us has facilitated a dynamic relationship of rolling up our sleeves to work through issues together, making this team a true joy to work with.”

Expansions and Contracting Collaborations

Trusting another vendor to handle your program with care can be stressful, and it is imperative to make sure collaborations will be mutually beneficial. Navigating business deals has the potential to impact your covered entity, making these deals quite important. When it comes to contracting collaborations with other outsourced vendors, our team is available to assist in establishing and a partnership, provide analysis necessary for decision-making, assist in negotiations with all parties and obtaining contracts, review of contracts by multiple teams to provide insight, and help the client and pharmacy grow their relationship. As a client, you won’t have to navigate external business deals on your own.

“Expansions can often present challenges that take time to address them. It does not matter if an issue falls within her expertise or not, she finds a way to reach out to all players to help us work through those challenges with ease and satisfaction.”

The Solution

When working with a pharmacy partner, you should be able to take advantage of a wide variety of service offerings, allowing your 340B program to become a significant part of your organization’s revenue. Nuvem provides services with both education and enhancements to elevate user experience and guide clients on using solutions to their fullest potential, bringing you the most success. We believe service shouldn’t end after you begin using a software, and that’s why we offer regular program reviews and 340B expert recommendations to clients. Our range of services is wide, reaching various corners of 340B and supplying clients with solutions for a broad range of needs.

Contact us today to get started and read more about our solutions and services.

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“Since the pandemic began, with the partnership of Nuvem, both our in-house pharmacy and contract pharmacies have grown to be 60% of total revenues. If not for this stable revenue base, we would have had to furlough staff and/or significantly reduce office hours.”

Chief Financial Officer

Community Health Center

“Your entire team has a wealth of experience matched with a caring heart and a fierce determination which has enabled you to accomplish so much and I thank you for sharing that well earned insight.”

Executive Director, Health Center

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